Employee Advocacy: Social Selling via Organic Influencer Communications

Identifying Influencers that make the Best Brand Ambassadors

Employee Advocacy drives social selling and is a valuable aspect of Influencer communications. By harnessing the social power of the people within your organization, you not only amplify the reach and authenticity of marketing messages, but also increase engagement with prospects and customers. 

How does it work? ​ 

Empower Advocates with “One-Click Activism”

Content is sent to your employees by emails containing approved posts that can be simultaneously shared across LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube with one or two clicks. 

Instead of spending thousands of dollars on advertisements and pay-for-play programs, you can leverage your team's existing connections as evergreen distribution channels. 

Important to note - shared content appears as first-person, organic recommendations to each user's network. So instead of sharing one post through your corporate account and hoping for traction, this method sends content viral by employing the entire organization to organically advocate and amplify brand awareness. 



The Highlights

  • Share content with influencers, friends and followers via email, who then disseminate your key messages over their social networks easily, with just one click.
  • Incentivize friends, employees, influencers, etc. - launch competition based on reach
  • Viral Communications: Calls to action that increase engagement and conversion rates
  • Increase traffic and reach of case studies, whitepapers, webinars, videos, podcasts, blogs, articles, etc.
  • Secure higher participation internal communications, marketing campaigns
  • Posts appear as first-person recommendations, not advertisements or promoted content

Personal referrals possess enormous amounts of credibility and, by extension, a shaping influence on consumer decision-making. Influencer engagement is accomplished in many ways, but one of the most effective is through virtual word of mouth or “shares” via social media. 

A customer success story in the Wall Street Journal is great, but with so many new media platforms from which people now consume news and information, there’s no guarantee that your target audience will see it. We see this a lot; content and marketing assets (case studies, news coverage, white papers, photos, videos, etc.) consistently attract larger audiences and higher conversation rates when (Continue reading...)


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About JMRConnect

JMRConnect is an award-winning public relations, digital and influencer communications agency that helps brands connect to their target audience.

"Employee Advocacy Platform, CEI, Wins 2017 SABRE Award for "Best Marketing Technology"

"The most proactive agency I've ever worked with!" - Samantha Osowski, SVP Marketing for Yorktel

Our clients' successful campaigns are marked by tier-1 media coverage, thought leadership, 3rd-party recognition, and multi-channel visibility. Engaging both internal and external stakeholders transforms friends, followers, and industry leaders into loyal brand advocates.

"Shaping Influence Worldwide®: A trademarked, 360-degree approach to telling your brand's story with focus, consistency and authenticity, across every medium."

Social media has changed both how, and from where people receive and consume news and information. For advocacy to be effective, messages must not only reach your target audience, but also resonate across multiple channels to impact opinions, build brand trust, and solidify reputations. Our 360-degree approach leverages traditional, interactive digital, and social engagement to tell your story with focus, consistency and authenticity, across every medium.

visit www.jmrconnect.net
